Constitution & Bylaws
Section 1: This organization shall be known as the Saint Paul Fly Tiers & Fisherman’s Club, Inc.
Section 1: The object of this organization shall be:
- A) To promote good fellowship among fly tiers and fishermen.
- B) To exchange ideas and assist beginners in the art of tying flies and fly casting.
- C) To give support to good conservation and to keep alive the spirit of good sportsmanship.
Section 1: Member shall consist of active, associate, live and honorary members.
- A) Active and life membership shall consist of persons, of the legal age, who are interested in any or all phases as outlined in Article II of this constitution.
- B) Associate members shall consist of persons directly associated with or concerned in the aims and objects of the club.
- C) Honorary members shall consist of any public officials or persons interested or helpful in the objects of the club, but not participating actively in its activities. They shall not hold office or be allowed to vote.
- D) Honorary membership shall be limited to 10% of active paid up members, and shall be for one calendar year.
Section 2: Election to a club membership shall be upon the recommendation of an active member and approval by at least two of the present officers.
Section 3: Attendance of meetings by persons other than those considered active, associate, life or honorary member shall be at the invitation of such officers who deem it to be of benefit to the welfare of the club.
Section 4: Associate, honorary and life members shall be elected by at least 15 active and/or life members at any monthly business meeting.
Section 5: Any members found and proven guilty of unsportsman-like conduct or action may be expelled by the board of directors. That person may appeal to the membership within 30 days of receiving a written expulsion notice. Such appeal shall be in writing and addressed to the secretary of the club, and will then be presented to the membership at the next following monthly business meeting. The members by a 2/3 majority vote shall decide whether the decision of the board shall be sustained. Any member once expelled shall never again be allowed membership in the club.
Section 1: The officers of the club shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer and three Directors. These officers shall constitute the Board of Directors and are empowered to conduct the business affairs of the club.
- A) The President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected for a period of one year, and one new Director shall be elected each and every year for a three year term.
Section 2: The annual election shall be held of the first Thursday of January and the term shall end of the same day of the following year.
Section 3: The duties of the officers shall be:
- A) The President shall be the Executive officer of the club and shall preside over all meetings of the club and of the Board of Directors. He shall be an ex officio member of all standing and special committees. He shall perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office of President.
- B) The Vice-President, in Absence of the President, shall also perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office or any may be assigned to him by the president or by the Board.
- C) The Secretary shall keep the records of attendance and minutes of the meetings of the club, Board of Directors, and other Committees. He shall attend to all correspondence of the club activities. He shall submit a report to the annual meeting and at such other times as the President of the Board of Directors may require.
- D) The Treasurer shall collect all membership fees or any other income and issue receipts for same, and shall attend to all related duties and shall also keep the records of membership. He shall issue card receipts signed by the President and the Secretary. He shall present all bills to the membership for approval with the exception of tying materials which shall be paid without membership approval. He shall promptly deposit all monies in the official depository and shall disburse the same by order of the membership. He shall sign all checks. His accounts and books shall at all times be open to the inspection of the President, the Board of Directors and any authorized auditors. He shall make a report at the annual meeting of the club and at such other times as the President of the Board of Directors may require.
- E) Should the office of any of the duly elected officers be vacated, the Vice-President will assume the President’s position or a suitable qualified member be chosen by the Board, which would also extend to the Secretary or Treasurers’ position.
Section 1: The Board of Directors shall consist of the officers stated in Article IV and three Directors. Five or more of these shall constitute a quorum sufficient for the transaction of any or all business.
Section 2: The Board of Directors shall determine policies and activities of the club, approve the budget, advise the President regarding appointment of regular committees and have general management of the club.
Section 3: The Board of Directors shall be vested with the power to act in the name of the club between meetings on all matters pertaining to the club welfare.
Section 4: The Board of Directors shall meet at the call of the President.
Section 1: There shall be appointed by the President, with the approval of the Board of Directors, The following standing committees. It shall be the duty of these committees to make an annual report to the club at the time of the annual meeting.
- A) Entertainment; Two (2) committees, food and movies.
- B) Publicity and telephone
- C) Auditing- This committee shall audit the Treasurer’s books during December and report to the membership at the annual meeting.
- D) Sickness and welfare
- E) Outing planning
- F) Legislative
- G) Materials
Section 2: The President, with the approval of the Board of Directors, is authorized to appoint such special committees as the interests of the club may require
Section 1: This club shall hold weekly social meetings on Thursday evenings of each week. These meetings shall start at 7:30 PM. The meeting on the first Thursday in January shall be the annual meeting for the election of officers.
Section 2: The first Thursday meeting of each month shall be stated the business meeting and all matters pertaining to the club welfare shall be then conducted.
Section 3: The Board of Directors should be present at all meetings of special concern and vote on anything which may affect the good and welfare of the club.
Section 1: The officers and Directors shall be elected at the Annual Meeting.
Section 2: The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee of three member, who shall receive nominations previous to the annual meeting. It shall be the duty of this committee to submit at least one name for each office to be filled. This report shall be in writing.
Section 3: The chairman of the nominating committee shall contact each nominee for the club office to obtain the nominee’s permission before placing their name in nomination. This shall be done prior to the time of making a report to the President. No members shall be nominated or their name placed o the ballot for a club office without their prior permission.
Section 1: Member ship dues for active members shall be payable when acceptance is made into the club.
- A) Initiation fee shall be one dollar.
- B) The annual dues for the calendar year shall be set by the board at the annual meeting for all active members. Dues are payable in the month of April. Members joining in any other month shall be pro-rated to April.
- C) Any member behind in dues 30 days shall be assessed two dollars for penalty.
1) Any member may appeal in writing to the Board of Directors against this fine within 30 days of receiving written notice from the Secretary; otherwise that member is dropped from the club.
2) Directors may waive this fine if a reasonable excuse is given.
Section 2: The books of the Secretary and the Treasurer shall be audited at least once a year and a report made at the annual meeting.
Section 3: The Board of Directors shall determine the official depository of the club.
Section 1: Any amendments to the Bylaws may be adopted by a tow-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at any monthly business meeting providing intent to make such change is submitted in writing 30 days prior to said meeting. The Secretary shall send all members notice of such intended change seven(7) Days prior to said meeting.
Section 1: Any questions not determined in the Bylaws shall be governed by Robert’s
Rules of Order.
Section 1: Should the dissolution of the club be approved by the membership, all monies and property shall be disposed of following 60 days notification of all current members. Distribution by raffling donation or other means will be determined by the membership and acted upon by the elected officers.
Bylaws revised June 3, 1976 by Ronald E. Fisher
Approved by members
President: Ronald E. Fisher
Vice-President: William F. Spiess
Secretary: Steve E. Bryan
Treasurer: Herbert W. Becker
Director: Vern Alberts
Director: Doug McClellan
Director: LeRoy H. Grant
Bylaws revised March 18, 1982 by John A. Imgrund
Approved by members
President: Jim Kroll
Vice-President: Tom Koppel
Secretary: Greg Bussaker
Treasurer: Bob Anderson
Director: John A. Imgrund
Director: Frank Knapp
Director: Dick Schwartz
Bylaws revised December 3, 1992 by LeRoy H. Grant
Approved by members
President: Leroy H. Grant
Vice-President: Roger Bile
Secretary: Dennis Hook
Treasurer: Tom Muellner Jr.
Director: Harvin Giesen
Director: Jay Franklin
Director: E. John Anderson
Bylaws revised April 2, 2009 by Andrew Fiskness
Approved by members
President: Robert Feiker
Vice-President: Sid Thomson
Secretary: Andrew Fiskness
Treasurer: Tom Muellner Jr.
Director: Mark Tibbets
Director: Steve Yasgur
Director: Chris Sprau
Club Officers
Andy Fiskness
Vice President
Tony Stifter
James Sanders
Tom Muellner
Eric Fast
Ben Renberg
Bob Anderson
Ad Hoc Club Chairs
Membership Committee Chair
James Sanders
Outing Committee Chair
Tony Stifter
Great Waters Expo & Events
Del Kauss
Website & Communcations
Mike Lundborg
Social Media
Joel Ebbers, Eddie Rivard, Andy Fiskness, Tony Stifter
State Duty Officer
Club Officers
Tony Stifter – President
Nate Gubbins – Vice President
Randy Mark – Secretary
Tom Muellner – Treasurer
Adam Rietz – Board member
Ben Renberg – Board member
Eddie Rivard – Board member
Ad Hoc Club Chairs
Membership Committee Chair – Andy Fiskness
Outing Committee Chair – Tony Stifter
Great Waters Expo and Events – Del Kauss
Website – Mike Lundborg
Social Media – Joel Ebbers, Eddie Rivard, Andy Fiskness and Mike Lundborg
Club Officers
Tony Stifter
Vice President
Nate Gubbins
Randy Mark
Tom Muellner
Adam Rietz
Ben Renberg
Eddie Rivard
Ad Hoc Club Chairs
Membership Committee Chair
Andy Fiskness
Outing Committee Chair
Tony Stifter
Great Waters Expo & Events
Del Kauss
Website & Communcations
Mike Lundborg
Social Media
Joel Ebbers, Eddie Rivard, Andy Fiskness, Mike Lundborg