READING MUSKY WATER | December 12th | Stephen Wisner

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Our December 12th meeting will feature Stephen Wisner owner and guide of Eau Claire Fly Anglers. His presentation will be from 8-9:00 or so.

Stephen’s presentation will focus on identifying musky holding water in rivers. He will also answer any questions about musky rods, lines, leaders and flies, or any question that folks might have about musky fly fishing, specifically in rivers.

Stephen Wisner first cast a fly rod in 1973. Since then, he has logged thousands of days fishing. At 18, he began guiding trout fishing on the Henry’s Fork in Idaho and Madison River in Montana. He moved to Eau Claire in 1995 and discovered the thrill of chasing smallmouth bass and musky on area rivers. Stephen is a patient teacher and loves sharing his years of fishing knowledge with anglers of all skill levels.

We meet every Thursday at Gulden’s, with social hour from 6:30 to 7:30, followed by open tying (except on program nights). Some Thursdays we will have beer ties at Summit Brewery, or other local establishments. Guldens may have booked the room on short notice to other groups. Make sure to watch Club emails, our Facebook page, and web site for more info.

Our Thursday Meetings (except holidays and special events):

Gulden’s Bar & Restaurant
2999 North, US-61,
Maplewood, MN 55109


St. Paul Fly Tiers


Posted in Club Meetings, Program Nights.